
2024-04-04 08:40:04 文章来源:今日头条
Post Game Thread: The Boston Celtics (3-2) Defeat The Oklahoma City Thunder (0-4) 101-95.【赛后帖】波士顿凯尔特人(3胜2负)以101-95击败俄克拉荷马雷霆(0胜4负)。塔图姆24分6篮板,霍弗德19分9篮板,欧文15分5篮板5助攻,莫里斯21分10篮板,海沃德5分7篮板;威斯布鲁克13分15篮板8助攻,乔治22分8篮板,亚当斯12分6篮板,格兰特10分6篮板2抢断,施罗德10分3篮板6助攻,迪亚洛6分5篮板3封盖。————————[–][GSW] Draymond Green marcbacus 84 points an hour ago WTF h*ened?追梦格林球迷:这特么发生了啥?![–][TOR] P.J. Tucker RottenSmegmaMan 91 points an hour agoOKC was too complacent with their 9 point lead in the 4th quarter and threw it away by shooting a bunch of threesPJ-塔克球迷:雷霆第四节领先9分的时候太大意了,然后三分浪投一通丢了比赛。[–][OKC] Paul George Cpt-No-Dick 7 points an hour ago Disgusting保罗-乔治球迷:让人反胃。[–]NBA sunglao 8 points an hour ago Westbrook went 5/20, Paul George went 7/22.威斯布鲁克20投5中,乔治22投7中。[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook Anti_Thon 59 points an hour agoWe had a 16 point lead and I knew we were gonna lose.威斯布鲁克球迷:我们一度16分领先,那会儿我就知道我们会输球。[–][BOS] Jayson Tatum Royal_Ramble 16 points an hour ago you h*e a third eye塔图姆球迷:你还真是开了天眼啊。[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook Anti_Thon 59 points an hour agYou can literally track my comment history and see when I started shitposting because I knew we were gonna lose威斯布鲁克球迷:你可以翻翻我的历史回复,就知道我啥时候开始吐槽了,因为我就知道我们会输。[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook Anti_Thon 23 points an hour ago No. We blew tons of leads in 2015-2016 and people called us choklahoma.We blew at least 15 leads last year.We’re gonna blow another 15+ this year.威斯布鲁克球迷:不!我们在15/16赛季就多次挥霍了领先局面,然后别人叫我们休克拉荷马。[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook NobodyRules 10 points 58 minutes agoYou’re a true OKC fan, only experienced OKC fans could predict that result. We h*e to be one of the worst teams of all time at keeping leads.I remember a game against the Kings last year - that we actually won - where we had an incredible first quarter, threw it all in the second and needed a *ing buzzer beater by Russ.We’re the definition of no lead is safe, we could be winning by 20 at the 4th and I’m still scared we’re gonna lose.威斯布鲁克球迷:你们这种才是真正的雷霆球迷,只有“久经考验”的雷迷才能预测到那种结果。我们应该是史上最不擅长守住领先优势的球队之一。我记得上赛季有场比赛打国王——虽说我们最终赢了——我们第一节打得很好,然后第二节浪没了,最后还特么需要依靠威少的一个绝杀才能赢球。我们是“没有任何领先是安全的”最佳诠释,我们也许第四节可以20分领先,但我仍然害怕我们会输球。[–]Smekledorf1996 9 points an hour ago Both teams played bad basketball.Okc h*ened to play even worse and the celtics caught fire两支球队都打得稀烂。雷霆打得更烂,而凯尔特人也没好哪儿去。[–]Clippers BEEEEEEEEWBS 257 points an hour ago Wow. Melo"s absence is really felt on this Thunder team快船球迷:哇哦,总算感觉到甜瓜不在雷霆了。[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook NobodyRules 81 points an hour ago We didn’t land enough bricks tonight, you’re right威斯布鲁克球迷:我们今晚产铁量还不够,所以你言之有理。[–]NBA sunglao 16 points an hour ago If Melo was there, the Thunder wouldn"t h*e led with 16 at the half.要是甜瓜在的话,那雷霆就没法半场领先16分了。[–]Bucks InexorableWaffle 6 points 37 minutes ago Can"t blow a 16 point lead if you don"t h*e a 16 point leadtaps head雄鹿球迷:要是你没有领先16分,那就没法丢掉16分的领先优势啊。摸摸头。————————[–][BOS] Danny Ainge gda19 109 points an hour ago Kyries headband is frying his brain凯尔特人球迷:欧文怕是被那发带烧着脑子了。[–]Celtics NE_ED 18 points an hour ago He played good last game without itI think you might be onto something凯尔特人球迷:他上场比赛没有发带打得蛮好的。所以我觉得你或许说到点子上了。[–][GSW] Jason Richardson randoliof 21 points an hour ago It"s an antenna, remove it and he loses communication with the Flat Earth Society servers勇士球迷:那是一根天线,要是没了它,那欧文就没法和地平说协会的服务器联系上了。[–]Rockets byRockets 30 points an hour ago Kyrie just doesn"t feel like kyrie anymore火箭球迷:感觉欧文已经不是以前的那个欧文了。[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook Tehni 14 points an hour ago Relax dude give it time lmao威斯布鲁克球迷:放轻松,哥们儿。人家还需要时间呢,哈哈哈[–][BOS] Jayson Tatum yourwinemom 129 points an hour agoThis isn’t really relevant but I was at the game and after it ended Kyrie g*e his shoes to a kid dressed up like Uncle Drew and it was incredible塔图姆球迷:我要说的与比赛没啥相关性。不过我在比赛结束时还在现场,欧文把他的鞋子送给了一个穿得像德鲁大叔的孩子,那太不可思议了。————————[–]Jazz Yamcha_when 60 points an hour ago The Celtics shut me up and showed what kind of a team they are (never say die, rally for a win). Congrats on a hard-fought win. Dis*ointed in the Thunder爵士球迷:凯尔特人让我无话可说,他们展示了自己的球队风格(绝不言败,为胜而拼)。恭喜他们拿下了一场艰苦的胜利。对雷霆感到失望。[–][UTA] Dante Exum SnydernJazzSystem 13 points an hour ago Now thats the Celtics from last year爵士球迷:上赛季那支凯尔特人回来了。[–][BOS] Isaiah Thomas dk240996 113 points an hour ago Ugly win, but great one to build on.小托马斯球迷:虽然赢得丑陋,但还是很提振士气的。[–][BOS] Danny Ainge cwhaaaales 45 points an hour ago finally we showed some life from 3 in the 3rd. first time all season we looked great at shooting我们终于在第三节看到了球队在三分线上的生气。这个赛季我们的三分第一次让人看着顺眼了。[–][MIL] Giannis Antetokounmpo parkertokounmpo 191 points an hour ago I h*e no idea how OKC lost a game in which the Celtics scored 34 in the 1st half.字母哥球迷:凯尔特人半场只拿到34分,雷霆居然还输了,我真是搞不懂了。[–]Trent_Bennett 12 points an hour ago 40 points 3rd QuarterFade me.凯尔特人第三节40分哦。别亮我。[–][BOS] Jaylen Brown TheyCallMeYDG 82 points an hour ago We are an enigma凯尔特人球迷:我们就是个迷。[–]Magic johnkphotos 56 points an hour ago That was some of the worst performance in the clutch I’ve ever seen.魔术球迷:这是我看过的最烂的关键时刻表现之一了。[–][OKC] Paul George Cpt-No-Dick 70 points an hour ago Clearly you h*en"t watched enough Thunder games保罗-乔治球迷:很明显,这说明你看的雷霆比赛还不够多。[–][BOS] Jaylen Brown AstroWasp 36 points an hour ago Westbrook gifted us the 4th quarter凯尔特人球迷:威斯布鲁克第四节给我们送了大礼啊。[–]Thunder MazeRed 13 points an hour ago That quick 3 with 22 seconds left. Yeah die by the worstbrook雷霆球迷:还剩22秒时那个浪投三分……没错,萎斯布鲁克葬送了比赛。[–]Thunder hoodiemelo 22 points an hour ago Oh we’ve lost leads bigger than that :’-)cries in 2016雷霆球迷:没啥,我们还输过比次领先优势更大的比赛呢……眼泪都流在2016年了。[–]bdotbanfield 29 points an hour ago Billy"s getting fired if they lose to the Suns on Sunday. That would make them 0-3 at home and 0-5 for the season. I feel like he"s a guy they love personally, but don"t respect as a voice on the court. Presti will h*e to change it up.要是雷霆周日再输给太阳的话,那多诺万就下课了,那样的话,雷霆就主场0胜3负,赛季5连败。我觉得吧,大家很喜欢多诺万的为人,但是对于他在场上的话语权却并不尊重。普雷斯蒂(雷霆总经理)要作出改变咯。[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook Anti_Thon 45 points an hour ago I hope we lose Sunday then威斯布鲁克球迷:那我希望我们周日输掉比赛。[–]Timberwolves darulez8 35 points an hour ago I wanna know what Brad Stevens said at half time.森林狼球迷:我想知道史蒂文斯教练半场时都说了啥。[–]Celtics LuckysBestMan 25 points an hour ago I"m not mad. i"m just dis*ointed.凯尔特人球迷:“我没有生气,我只是很失望。”————————[–]Celtics dominatingseo 223 points an hour ago russell westbrook was our best player lmfao凯尔特人球迷:威斯布鲁克是我们的最佳球员,哈哈哈哈[–]Grizzlies ottersh*emorefun 50 points an hour ago god he was really bad in the fourth灰熊球迷:我天,他在第四节烂的不行啊。[–][TOR] Jason Kapono EfficientShelter68 55 points an hour ago0-7 in the 4th quarter, tied for the worst in his careerThe L is on Russ for those dumb shots卡博诺球迷:第四节7投0中,与职业生涯最差持平。是他那些愚蠢的投篮造就了输球。[–]Lakers IKingCarnage 20 points 2 hours ago How many terrible shots did Russ take in the last 3 minutes?湖人球迷:他在比赛最后三分钟有多少次浪投?[–]Thunder Jetty3617 24 points 2 hours ago I think he took all the shots.雷霆球迷:我觉得他一手包办了。[–]NBA grae313 19 points an hour ago Seriously, I like WB but he bricked OKC straight out of that win it was horrific. Just walked past half court and chucked a brick 4 straight possessions in a row in a close game wtf.说真的,我喜欢威少,但是他的打铁直接葬送了雷霆的胜利,这太可怕了。比分接近的时候连着四个回合刚刚过半场,他居然可以连打四铁,真是日了狗了。[–]Warriors CameronPlain 2 points an hour ago Dude wants to be Steph so bad.勇士球迷:这哥们儿太想成为库里了。[–]Lakers SmokeOddessey 22 points an hour ago Came in clutch for the Celtics with that dumb 3 and then the turnover湖人球迷:在那种关键时刻,送给凯尔特人一个愚蠢三分,然后一个失误。[–]Thunder holographicmew 32 points an hour agoI"m sorry, you"ll h*e to be more specific...雷霆球迷:对不起,你说的还不够具体……[–][BOS] Jaylen Brown OrangeKookie 15 points an hour ago 2nd half paul george toothey were both trash holy shit凯尔特人球迷:下半场乔治也不咋地啊。我去,他们俩表现都烂啊。[–]Raptors pimpsquadforlife 115 points an hour ago* People blaming Billy Don*an when Westbrook has some of the worst shot selection out there lol猛龙球迷:大家都在责备多诺万,可是威少在场上却没少浪投啊,哈哈哈[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook NobodyRules 13 points an hour ago How can you not blame the coach when we’re as bad with Westbrook on the bench. We don’t h*e an offensive system and he can’t sort out shit威斯布鲁克球迷:可是威少坐在板凳上的时候我们也是一样差啊,这咋就不能怪教练了。我们的进攻毫无章法啊,而且多诺万毛线问题都解决不了。[–]Knicks Biniti123 13 points an hour ago We can recognize WB played like ass and Billy Donovan’s coaching is atrocious at the same time尼克斯球迷:我们一边可以认为威少打得稀烂,另一边呢,多诺万的执教能力也是菜的不行。[–]Celtics goofygoober2 33 points an hour ago i wonder what went down in that billy donovan timeout for it to result in that rushed shot凯尔特人球迷:我就很好奇,比赛暂停的时候,多诺万会对威少那些急匆匆的浪投说什么。[–]Celtics chickfilaftw 29 points an hour ago "Go get em Russ"凯尔特人球迷:“干掉他们,威少”[–][POR] Arvydas Sabonis SNewtn 33 points an hour ago do people really believe donovan calls 8 westbrook isos in a row?dude ignores the coach and does whatever he wants萨博尼斯球迷:难道大家真觉得是多诺万给威少布置的连续8次单打的战术?这哥们儿无视战术安排,想咋来咋来啊。[–][POR] Arvydas Sabonis SNewtn 41 points an hour ago its not billy donovan"s fault westbrook ignores the play and jacks up bricks萨博尼斯球迷:威少无视打法,强行打铁,这可不能怪多诺万。[–]HeyImMarlo 7 points an hour ago Even if true it"s still the coach"s fault. Their job to keep the players in line.虽说威少浪投属实,可教练的锅是跑不掉的。他们的职责就是控制住球员。[–]Rockets Whydidideletemyaccou 7 points an hour ago A good coach make his players listen.火箭球迷:一个好教练是可以让球员听话的。[–][OKC] Dion Waiters Smart_Water 11 points an hour ago i’ve seen elementary school coaches draw up better plays than the one after the timeout维特斯球迷:我看过小学教练在暂停时制定的战术都比多诺万强。[–]Lakers Palifaith 67 points an hour ago* Billy Donovan is Tyrone Lue without the fish face. Way to blow 16 and 9 points leads.湖人球迷:多诺万就是没有死鱼脸的泰伦-卢。区别就是一个挥霍16分优势,一个挥霍9分。[–][MIL] Giannis Antetokounmpo LivingHitokiri 14 points 2 hours ago Billy Donovan is a *ing disgrace, what a joke字母哥:多诺万特么脸都不要了啊,真是个笑话。————————[–][BOS] Jaylen Brown gbeckwith 44 points an hour ago Love that Tatum is stepping up while Kyrie, Gordon, and Jaylen get back into the swing of things.Hamidou Dialo can *ing play man凯尔特人球迷:塔图姆在欧文、海沃德和杰伦熄火的时候挺身而出,大爱!另外,雷霆的哈米杜-迪亚洛特么的居然可以打球啊。[–]Celtics BlueJays007 6 points an hour ago Damn that dunk by Diallo was insane凯尔特人球迷:靠,迪亚洛那个扣篮真的炸。[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook Anti_Thon 12 points an hour ago He barely played and us Thunder fans want the guy to start lol威斯布鲁克球迷:他一般没什么机会出场,我们这些雷蜜倒是希望他能首发,啊哈哈[–][BOS] Danny Ainge gda19 13 points 2 hours ago horford is our best player. that three 3s in row were hype凯尔特人球迷:霍福德今晚是我们的最佳球员,那连着三个三分真的爆炸。[–]shanmustafa 8 points 2 hours ago he"s been the best every since he signed他来队后就是最佳了。[–]Celtics desmedt26 3 points 2 hours ago Psh obviously it"s marcus morris凯尔特人球迷:很明显,最佳是马库斯-莫里斯(两记关键三分)。————————来源:Reddit编译:云长刮个痧



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